
I tried to tell you what kept me so long

Tired, twisted, tattered tongue
That tried to talk it’s way through heaping jargon.
Answers are smoother than cream
But a brittle mouth of worry and dismay repels such sweet simplicity.
The past, like a beast raging from old woods to throw fire and guilt at steady heads,
Is only tamed when the heart is strong.
I tried to tell you what kept me so long,
And all I could manage was a stuttered cry.
There was too many stones to retrieve from languishing misery
To build a clear structure
From the content of my troubles.

Too many times had I withered before offering my real heart.
Too many times had lovers woken by my naked body and realized I was a stranger.
Too many times had the future doomed me, for there was no stake in the moment.

But you were brave enough to take my hand
And trust that you’d seen it before.

Written by: Sarah C Louise