
Sticky White Webs

Soft sun on broken webs

Cooing tenderly at the destruction

Marvelous artistry in scraps

Flowing in the rough winds with fragile grip

One builder knew this was the place

Setting up holy hallways in the avenues of boards on balconies were families will rarely linger

And so close to grasses, juicy with living sacks to nourish of the prospects of children

My heart of webs flows truly as the dead web before me

Yet immaculate, unconstructed

I see the fetid efforts before I see them thrive

No good, I was instructed to say 

no good 

and yet why did I listen?

I learned in spring that it was no voice 

there was no face which shot these words at me like lightning upon stone

No, I’ve been told I am so good 

By so many warm smiles 

so good at what I do

So who is it that whips my ambition  into smoke?

Who is it that bites my attempts like the famished on Christmas turkey?

Who is it that chants violently that I am worthless in my dreaming states when most only think of stars?

I’ve known I was the source alone

So broken but I doubt that the caverns of hateful lava spilled brightly over my being

I chipped my way through cold rock 

And since whispered to myself daily

“So good, I agree. Now, take another step. The sun will warm your creations yet”. 

Written by Sarah C Louise