
Ergo the Ego Makes Me Go Blank

In a coil-bound notepad I started to write.

A notepad I picked up as a prop for a play.

I needed somewhere, it didn’t need to look nice.

Every fine notebook I bought had me loftily drifting above reality.

This simple collection of lined paper didn’t outwardly inspire wit,

But something of a spell came over me quick.

To approve of the container’d been habit before

But in this notepad I dove to a watery world

Where ideas were substance

Imagined lands free to roam

And the freshness of my thoughts held new halls and new tomes

It felt necessary to record each odd poem and fragmented score

And once they’d been transposed, composed, I had 100 more

Safely stowed in an unassuming home

That no one would prize but myself, alone.

That coil-bound notepad looks mundane and stale,

But beneath the factory cover my world is unveiled

To me, it’s a romantic treasure I’ll savor

There’s no need for ornate leather or perfectly polished paper.

All I require is a place I can trust.

From there, it’s just time.

By Sarah C Louise.