
Sleeping through the Revolution

Noiseless number

Minute space

Waking from dreams of edited moments

Laging Saturday

Without the needed space for grounding.

Already, I see the next three years

And I’m tired.

Breadth of thought is the direct decendant of peace

And yet madness is familiar as the Friends theme song.

It is too easy to take a break

And whisper “oh no” as months snap by

Beers and movies

Shows and pizzas

Body unlived,

Wasted, unexercised.

Drained from last-minute McDonalds-lunches.

Spirits feed on air!

But these windows can’t open,

Repairs cost too much.

My heart needs a boost of trust

Art waits for me,

longing for my care,

Colours crying in impassioned outbursts


But my imaginings of their ferocity are more exhausting than the trek to get there.

Laziness, poison of the earth,

beauties and riches require effort!

In wallowing I die early

Calling crows to feast quickly,

Begging for purpose I’m too weary to find

Loathing my empty, exhausted mind.


I Should Be Writing

I should be writing

But I need to figure out my banking stuff because things have been really tight lately and who can really be creative anyway when they are wondering whether they have enough in a week to pay off their debts and I really need to make a list of how much I can spend and stick to it because I’ve been a little crazy with dinners at the next act and beers and wunderbar and I better hold back a little bit if I’m going to be able to pay off my phone bill.

Now, I should be writing,

But I just went on facebook for a minute to see what was happening or if I had any notifications or, the so sought after!, special messages from someone I haven’t heard from in awhile or with an offer of some kind, cause you never know, but (ya let’s face it) then I saw this little video of a funny octopus, and I just love the way their flesh looks when their swimming and, how cute!, he stuffs himself in a little jar, and woah, he almost got that crab that was twice its size! Impressed, I decided to look up some more videos of them changing colours when they glide over the ocean floor, they’re little head wings flapping softly. Then I decide to look up how much an octopus is for a pet.

But really, I should be writing,

But then I thought about how I have been looking for more opportunities to sing and, oh my, it’s been months since I’ve looked at theatre alberta auditions, and who knows, even though I have four jobs and the art walk to prepare for, it could be that someone in the city is putting on Threepenny Opera and I would LOVE to play pirate Jenny, and though I’ve looked through all the current posts and most of the ones from the winter (and even some of last fall) there doesn’t appear to be anyone putting on a production of Threepenny Opera, and then I briefly consider messaging Marthe and saying “LET’S FUCKING DO A PRODUCTION OF THREEPENNY OPERA! IT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!” I decide again that I don’t have the time and that I should be writing things for future productions I already have plans for.

So, there’s no excuse now, nothing more, just to get writing,

But then I remember that I haven’t heard back from my new boss about hours for my first week and that I should really create a fully flushed out schedule so that I don’t miss anymore meetings or don’t mess up my hours, or miss someone’s birthday fire-pit party again or miss the date of a submission for grants, and really I should work on writing grants because once I have money for grants I will have time and space to write my actual stuff, but then grants always require samples of written work for submissions and I should make sure my pieces are developed so they think “woah woah woah, we should throw thousands of dollars at Sarah C Louise cause she is a BIG FUCKING DEAL!” but I really haven’t spent as much time on those pieces as I should, so really I should just write.

OK OK OK alright, yes, ok, no problem, here I go,

pulling up my documents right now, and just leafing through to find out where I left off,

and, look, there’s the last paragraph,

and I even have an idea of what to say, so I’m golden,

But first…….

I’m just going to make some coffee 🙂

By Sarah C Louise


Photo from: http://some-forgotten-things.tumblr.com/